Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adding MRU to XML in Windows Mobile 6.1

I had posted a while back on how to customize your Verizon SMT5800's home screen. I had indicated that my screen shots show the MRU bar, though some people call them quick links, or bookmarks, they are actually called Most Recently Used (formally). My instructions for updating the SMT5800 did not include how to actually create that, so I will tell you how to do so here.

Remember, I take no responsibility or liability if you break your phone.

This is going off of the top of my head, so I apologize if the instructions are not as clear as some other ones I posted.
  1. Plug your phone in via activesynch, and navigate to My Windows Mobile-Based Device\Application Data\Home
  2. Retrieve the xml file you want to modify (for me, it was htc.home.xml) Copy it to your pc.
  3. Rename the file to something new (htc2.home.xml)
  4. Edit the file. Just use notepad if you dont have an xml editer (hold shift on your keyboard, right click, open with, choose notepad) DO NOT USE MICROSOFT WORD TO EDIT THIS FILE!
  5. Now, you just need to add the lines of code below in order for your smt5800 to call the MRU function.

    Or use this to copy and paste:

    <!-- MRU
    - <plugin clsid="{79EFB752-CB70-446d-B317-499723482B3D}" name="startmru" width="320" height="30">
    <background b-border-width="0" />
    <mru icon-size="16" x="0" y="6" button-transparent-color="#959589" halign="left" valign="bottom" max-buttons="9" />

  6. You need to add the above code (cut and paste it) wherever you want the quick use icons to appear. For me, I wanted it at the top of the home screen, so I pasted it in immediately after these lines of code:
  7. You can customize that script a little if you want (for instance, you can play with the size (pixels) or how many icons you want it to remember.
  8. When you are done monkeying around with the xml, remember to save it. Then move it over to the same directory you pulled it from on your smt5800.
  9. Go into the settings on your phone, choose home screen, then select the new file you just created (htc2).
  10. That's it.

Again, sorry if the instructions were not as good as they normally are, but if you run into problems, let me know.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Microsoft Word Indents After Bullet 10.)

I hear this complaint/question a lot: "Why does word indent my title after I hit bullet 10"

Well, I don't know why it does it, but I can tell you how to fix it.

In Word 2003 (office 2003)

Go to the line that you start having problems with (usually # 10.) and click at the very beginning of the text. Now right click, select "bullets and numbering" click the tab called "Numbered", now click the "Customize" button, In the field labeled "Number position" choose "Right" (instead of left). Okay your changes. It should not be formatted consistent with 1.2.3.....9

In Office 2007 (Word 2007)
Highlight the numbered section that you have issue with, on the home tab, in the paragraph pane, click the drop-down to the right of the numbering icon. Select define new numbering format, and change the alignment to right. Okay your changes.

For search engines:
Why does Microsoft Word indent my text after bullet number 10?
Stop word from indenting my text after bullet 10
Why does word extra spaces after my bullets reach number 10?

Why is word formatting my bullets differently after 10.?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How Long Does a Chkdsk r Take?

So, as I sat in the office till all hours of the night, watching my Small Business Server 2003 stuck on the same stage 4 of 5 while running a check disk (chkdsk r), I began to wonder what I was in for.
I googled "How long does a checkdisk take?" and "How long does a chkdsk r take?" and found lots of people asking the question, though the answers were not detailed enough to give me an estimate.

First, a word of advice, even if it appears your server/pc is doing nothing, it is, so never never never power off or reboot the machine.

So, for me, the answer is, just under 4 hours for the chkdsk r.

Now, here is the part people never mention, their system specifications!

As mentioned, my server is a Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003, running exchange. I have 2 (raid) 300GB SCSI drives in the machine (total capacity is only 300gb, just cloned hot-swap drives). I have two 3.06 ghz Xeon processors on the box with 3GB of ram.

Hopefully that answer helped someone out there late at night that has a similar machine and wants to know if they should order pizza and beer.